Association of Entrepreneurs and Employers of Zepce UPIP

Stjepana Radica, 72 230 Zepce, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Telephone: +387 32 888 058
Fax: +387 32 888 057
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Skype: upip-zepce
Contact person:
Mrs. Tea Samardzic Memcic, project manager
Tel: +387 32 888 058; Mob: +387 63 381 216 E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Mr. Erol Maglic, project senior expert;
Tel: +387 32 888 058; Mob: +387 63 377 609 E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Brief description
The Association of Entrepreneurs and Employers of Zepce (UPIP Zepce) is established in 1999 an an NGO. Establishers of UPIP Zepce are entrepreneurs of Zepce municipality. 

Within the period 1999 - 2012 UPIP Zepce implemented over 30 projects, funded by domestic and foreign donors.
Our Mission: “The Association has been founded to create favourable business conditions for development of business.” UPIP Zepce fulfils this mission through: Business advisory services and supporting management development; Assisting the entrepreneurs in establishing the new firms; Making business plans and projects for SME business development; Activities in mediating with the banks and creditors; Joint presentation at the domestic and foreign market; Presentation at the fairs and exhibitions.
Our Vision: “To create a business environment where the ideas of individuals will be fully expressed, and to enable: Free turnover of goods and services, foreign investment, free competition and Establishment of public and private partnership“.

Programme goals of the Association:

  • Protection of the local market from the unfair competition
  • Business development at the local level
  • Participation in creating the employment policy
  • Presentation at the fairs and exhibitions
  • Organized presentation to the competent institution
  • Protection of interest of our members
  • Giving all business information needed
  • Consultation, promotion, connection, assistance in international communication and connection

Courses of our actions:

  • Development of the business infrastructure that is a base for the development of the economic activities
  • Business development through the business initiatives, development of the SME and craft, development of rural areas and tourism
  • Human resources development according to business development needs
  • Promotion of business, initiative approaches, new skills and good domestic and foreign practice
  • Supporting SMEs in training and education
  • Supporting developing of the human resources through programs in education of the unemployed people
  • Keeping up and analyzing the rural development policy and suggesting the measures for the rural development
  • Supporting cooperation and also mediating in connection of the participants which are very important for the economic development of Zepce municipality and Central Bosnia Region in BIH

Brief description of the territory
Economic Region Central Bosnia and Herzegovina (CBiH) occupies an area of 5295.91 km2, with about 571.000 inhabitants. Cultivable land covers 1577.77 km2 of the total territory (29.79% of the territory of the region), of which 717.68 km2 of arable land. The main characteristic of the climate is harsh winters (temperatures up to -34oC), while summers are warm, with temperatures up to 39oC. The average annual precipitation is 1000 to 1200 l/m2. The snowfall is very heavy, especially in the higher areas. This kind of climate enhances to the development of agriculture, especially for the production of fruits and vegetables, medicinal and aromatic herbs, production and processing of milk and meat, poultry and beekeeping. Pilot area for this project is the four municipalities in the region, Zepce, Zavidovici, Maglaj and Zenica, with a total surface of 1639 km2. These municipalities have significant agricultural production in fruit growing (orchards approx. 4500 ha, the most frequent species are plum, apple and pear), greenhouse production (approx. 7 ha of protected area). Significant agricultural production in recent years occupies a production of berry fruit, whose area of approximately 50 ha and production of medicinal plants (surface 12 ha). Agricultural production is faced with many obstacles and problems, such as: fragmented holdings (average farm size of 2 ha), the lack of processing facilities, outdated machinery, low productivity, low level of knowledge and skills about the modern farm management techniques and modern technologies. The region is characterized by very rich natural resources, unpolluted land, numerous sources of drinking and mineral water, plenty of wild plants and wild berries perfect for the development of different forms of agribusiness. Hilly and mountainous relief is suitable for hiking and mountain biking. Natural resources which abound in this region enable the development of agribusiness and the different forms of rural tourism, which should be the holder of economic development in the region and enable the creation of income for population.

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This website has been produced with the financial assistance of the IPA Adriatic Cross-Border Cooperation Programme. The contents of this website  are the sole responsibility of "Consiglio per la Ricerca e la Sperimentazione in Agricoltura - Unità di Ricerca per l'Orticoltura, Monsampolo del Tronto (AP)" and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the IPA Adriatic Cross-Border Cooperation Programme Authorities.