The Regional Council at its meeting on July 17, 2014 approved the new RURAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN, the so-called "PSR".
The Marche Region, as a result of the discussion with the entire Partnership (supply chains, professional organizations, unions, farm workers, local institutions involved, stakeholders of civil society for environmental and social issues, major research institutions), during which the needs of the productive system and the regions were considered, approved by Resolution No. Administrative Legislative Assembly. 108 of 07.17.2014, the new Rural Development Programme 2014-2020.
Here is the text of the call: Programma di Sviluppo Rurale 2014-2020
The PSR Marche 2014-2020 proposes itself as a means to stimulate the competitiveness of the agricultural sector for the sustainable management of natural resources and the climate, for the construction of a more balanced territorial development of rural economies and communities, including the creation and maintenance jobs through the 6 priorities as set out in Article 5 of Regulation (EU) No. 1305/2013.