“AULEDA” Local Economic Development Agency, Vlora Region, Albania
L."Isa Boletini", Rruga Vlore-Skele, Kati III, Prane Bankes IntesaSanPaolo Vlore, Albania Tel/Fax ++355 33 403 237
Get in contact
Mrs.Mirela Koci
Tel/Fax 00355 33 403 237 - Mobile: 00355 69 20 75 550
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
web: www.auleda.org.al
Drejtoria Rajonale e Bujqësisë Vlorë
Drejtori: Beqir KASHURRI
Adresa: VLORE - Mobile: 0676076777
Working hours: Monday - Friday from 8:30 to 16:30 h
Free available services offered
Advisory services to small and medium entrepreneurs in agro-food sector:
- Training Tools
- Capacity Building WSs
- Intermediary activities for members
- Marketing activities (web, trade fairs, creation and implementation of marketing tools and documents, etc)
- Join appearance on the market.
- Communication events.
- Access to online databases of relevant stakeholders & actors & information tools
- Networking
- Loan support opportunities, Credit system managed from Auleda.
- Application fulfillment for subsidy benefits
- Market research and orientation
- Legislative framework of exports of agro-food products
- Organic farming and European Union regulations
- Available funds at the state and the EU level for co-financing of projects in agro-food entrepreneurship
- Legislative framework of starting up an enterprise in the agro-food sector
- Latest innovative technologies in the agriculture and food production
Services that will be activated soon
Increasing the capacities of the farmers in:
- Use of innovated technology on production and marketing
- Use and management of the miniaturized machineries and other innovative technologies and services
- web marketing in agriculture, web commerce
- networking and organizing (clusters, cooperatives, producer organizations, etc.) in agriculture
- standardization of agro - food products, BIO standards
- certification and Quality management systems (ISO 9000 and 14000, HACCP, etc.)
- financing of projects in agriculture (national and European financing programs, young farmers, business plan, etc.) IPARD LIKE international Program
- the legislative framework of food production (the practical requirements of control bodies by food manufacturers)
- Organization of business meetings and agro-food fairs
Services available in the future
- Training Tools
- Networking events
- Communication events
- Access to online databases of relevant stakeholders & actors & information tools
- Access to funding opportunities
International activities
- Networking with similar organizations/network in region/in EU
- Visit international fairs
- Study visits
- International agro - food projects