Name and address of organization: ‘’SymAgro’’ Innovative Crops
Country and region: Greece, Region of Epirus
Contact person: Mr. Gatsios Cassandre
Tel. 0030 2651007653
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
‘’SymAgro’’ in Ioannina, has produced a wide variety of plants sea buckthorn (IPPOFAES), coming from places abroad and produced from seed and plants from cuttings. The sea buckthorn is one of the oldest plants on Earth within the category of "superfoods» (super foods), such as spirulina, aloe, pollen and ginseng, providing 30 times more vitamin C than oranges. It is a new crop that promises a good income with significant growth potential; it started to be known in the last 2-3 years.
Objective of the best practice
The sea buckthorn is one of the few plant species that are being used in all parts, such as: fruits, leaves, bark, shoots, seeds, wood and root system. From the pulp of the fruit juice and oil are produced which contain valuable substances for the organism, but also as animal feed after processing them. From the seeds of the fruits the most precious oil are produced. The leaves are used as decoction and as animal feed. From the bark of various chemicals produced while the wood is used in microfabrication (wood sticks, pipes, etc.). So, it can be used as:
- food and feed
- a medicinal plant
- plant used by the cosmetics industry
- plant with coloring properties
- plant with environmental interest
Who is going to use the best practice
Producers, farmers.
The sea buckthorn is unique plants that can be grown on abandoned agricultural soils in uncultivated areas, in sandy coastal areas because withstand soils with high salinity, struck by fire in slopes and rocky islands. During cultivation, almost no nitrogenous fertilizers like other plants is consumed; this protects the environment as well as ground and surface waters from pollution and degradation. The sea buckthorn can be utilized in the most infertile soils in which plants perform poorly. It facilitates the development of products market and support stakeholders in the field.
Expected results and indicators to measure success
Producers will improve their profitability obtaining products with high added value optimizing costs. Consumers can count on high-quality food.
Possibility of transferring the best practice
The cultivation of this plant as best practice cab be transferred to a variety of territories. The plant is resistant to low temperatures, it has the capability to be grown in more arid, arid soil and with minimal lubrication providing income and jobs in disadvantaged areas.