International Exhibition of the Fruit and Vegetable Industry
Macfrut 2013 will be held in Cesena from Wednesday 25th to Friday 27th September.
The event promises to be interesting "We already have the adhesion of the leading enterprises of various sectors - emphasizes Domenico Scarpellini, President of Macfrut - and this is the first element to build a successful edition of Macfrut, which is oriented to new markets thanks to its valuable role to review the entire fruit and vegetable industry."
Macfrut is proposed, also for 2013, as a point of reference for all horticultural services (from seed to packaging, supply chain) holding the position of exhibition space and a business opportunity, in addition to maintain a high level of international meeting and dialogue chances for the development and definition of the industry's perspectives. At MACFRUT, visitors will meet each other from all over the world to discuss about market trends and the latest news of production techniques. The program of the event is divided in various conferences dealing with international speakers and experts of high-profile, some of the most important aspects of the event. At MACFRUT, in addition to world leaders of the entire fruit and vegetable sector, there will also be Italian and international large retailers, IV and V range companies, seed companies, processors and companies of the " cold chain", without neglecting the Organic and proposals for nutrition education for schools.
Macfrut will focus even more strongly on the presence of foreign manufacturers and buyers GDO, with particular reference to the Mediterranean countries, not by chance, after trips to Malta and Tunisia, the Foreign Office has scheduled for May and June a series of meetings in Africa (Morocco, Algeria, as well as Turkey), America (Brazil, Argentina), Eastern Europe (Russia, Poland, Ukraine), and China.
C.R.A. - Consiglio per la Ricerca e la Sperimentazione in Agricoltura - will arrange a workshop regarding newly developed vegetable cultivars on the 27th (Varietal innovation brought into the fruit and vegetable industry by the CRA).