Research Unit for Vegetable Crops in Central Areas
NEWS (link to CRA's website)
Via Salaria, 1 63077 Monsampolo del Tronto (AP) - ITALY
Get in contact
Dr. Emidio Sabatini - researcher at C.R.A. ORA
Tel +39 0735-701706
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Working hours: Monday to Friday from 8.00 to 17.00
Free available service
Advisor services to small and medium entrepreneurs in agro-food sector, such as:
- advices on agronomical management of several vegetable crops;
- assistance on best cultivar choice, agronomical management, organic management
- promotion of meeting between farmers, consumers and public institutions
Services that will be activated soon
- branching out farm products and innovation through the use and management of the miniaturized machineries and other innovative technologies and services related;
- networking stakeholders in agriculture(clusters, cooperatives, producer organizations, etc.)
- Organization of business meetings and participation to agro-food fairs
- Organization of classes on biotechnology in agriculture and other agriculture related topics (focused on students)
Services available in the future
- Training classes for farmers
- Biotechnological assistance and services (molecular markers and more)
Transnational actions implemented by the Center
- Long lasting cooperation with other Agrofood innovation centres, exchange of good practices and information
- Organization of educational seminars on the activities of other countries
- Organization of visits to other countries when foreseen in ongoing EU