Croatian Chamber of Economy - Zadar County Chamber
Agro Arca - international fair on innovation in agriculture, food industry and agricultural machinery - Inova - Croatian salon of innovations - Agra - International fair of agriculture and food CAPINFOOD project - Conference Research and Innovation - The NetGrow Network Learning Day -
Croatian Chamber of Economy - Zadar County Chamber, Špire Brusine 16, 23000 Zadar, Croatia-HR
Get in contact
Mr. Petar Pedišić, B. Sc. in Agriculture, Head of the Agro-food Innovation Center | Tel. +385 (0)23 211-747 | email Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.
Ms. Slavica Kosović, B. Sc. in Agriculture, Expert in the Agro-food Innovation Center | Tel +385 (0)23 211-747 | email: Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.
Working hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday from 8:00 to 12:00 h
Free available service
Advisory services to small and medium entrepreneurs in agro-food sector:
- legislative framework of exports of agro-food products
- organic farming and European Union regulations
- available funds at the state and the EU level for co-financing of projects in agro-food entrepreneurship
- legislative framework of starting up an enterprise in the agro-food sector
- latest innovative technologies in the agriculture and food production
Services that will be activated soon
Organization of educational seminars on themes such as:
- innovations in agricultural production (use and management of the miniaturized machineries and other innovative technologies and services)
- web marketing in agriculture
- networking and organizing (clusters, cooperatives, producer organizations, etc.) in agriculture
- certification and Quality management systems (ISO 9000 and 14000, HACCP, etc.)
- financing of projects in agriculture (national and European financing programs, young farmers, business plan, etc.)
- the legislative framework of food production (the practical requirements of control bodies by food manufacturers)
Organization of business meetings and agro-food fairs
Services available in the future
- providing information on research and development in the innovation field to entrepreneurs of the agro-food sector
- connecting local small and medium enterprises of the agro-food sector with the enterprises – producers of miniaturized machines for food processing in other countries
- associating of the small and medium agro-food entrepreneurs to enable easier access to market and sale of their products
- coordination of agro-food entrepreneurs’ resources and competences
Transnational actions implemented by the Center
- long lasting cooperation with the Italian Agrofood Innovation Center located at Agricultural Research Center, Monsampolo del Tronto
- organization of a seminar during which the Center’s experience in agro-food innovation will be presented to the entrepreneurs of the agro-food sector in the Zadar County
- cooperation with the Chamber of Commerce Ancona, Italy, exchanging know-how in the agricultural innovation field
- study visit of entrepreneurs to partners’ countries, exchange of experiences in the agro-food innovations
- study visit of local entrepreneurs to an enterprise – producer of small solar machines for drying fruit and vegetables in Italy